Cyber Security – Do you have the relevant solutions in place to prevent an attack?

When you investigate Cyber Security and look to implement this into your business you need to be aware that not one product is a one stop shop to have sufficient cyber protection, therefore layered security is very important.

These types of layers will help you prevent an attack: –

  • Spam filtering layer
  • Virus and malware layer
  • Patch deployment & firewall protection layer

** Cyber Security Statistics 2021 **

  • 600%

    Cybercrime up 600% Due To COVID-19 Pandemic

  • 78%

    Lack Confidence in Their Company’s Cybersecurity Posture

  • 5%

    On average, only 5% of companies’ folders are properly protected

  • 95%

    of cybersecurity breaches are caused by human error.

Is your business protected against today’s latest threats?

Roughly, how many spam emails would you receive each day?

Would you know if your Anti Virus software stopped working on any given device?

Do you have a password policy in place, e.g. company laptops (password policy meaning it forces you to reset every few months)?

Do you have 2 factor authentication enabled on email accounts? This is a free service with most email providers that prevents unauthorised access. If a password is given out by a user to a Phishing Email attack, then a code will be required to access the email account.

Do you regularly install Windows updates and security patches? These are released weekly by Microsoft and should be installed within 14 days at the latest.