Antivirus Vs Endpoint Detection & Responce (EDR)

You may already be familiar with Antivirus, but with the increasing number and types of cyberattacks, another solution called EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) has emerged.

As cybersecurity threats continue to rise, employing layered security is your best defence. Endpoint Detection and Response solutions offers a different level of protection.

But, what is the difference between Antivirus and EDR? How do we know the one that suits our needs? Or which one is better to protect our business? Let’s break down each solution to get a better sense of which one may be most appropriate for your business.


What’s Antivirus?

Antivirus (AV) software has been around for decades and is the most basic computer security measure. Its job is to protect computers from malicious malware, viruses, and other forms of cyber threats. This software runs continuously on the user’s computer by scanning files for possible malicious code and then blocking its download and execution.

AV software is less sophisticated but still essential for providing basic protection from malware and viruses.

Antivirus (AV):

• Focus: AV primarily focuses on detecting and preventing known malware and viruses from infecting a system.

• Signature-Based: It relies on signature-based detection, comparing files and processes to a database of known threats.

• Real-Time Scanning: AV often scans files and processes in real-time to block malicious activity.


What is an EDR?

Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) is a type of advanced threat detection technology that monitors an organisation’s endpoints for suspicious activities. It provides real-time insights into potential attacks and can respond to them in an automated fashion. EDR uses machine learning algorithms to detect malicious activity, such as unauthorized access or data exfiltration.

EDR provides a more comprehensive, proactive approach to protecting networks by monitoring endpoints in real time for suspicious activities.


EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response):

  • Focus: EDR is designed to provide advanced threat detection and response capabilities, including for unknown or zero-day threats.
  • Behavior Analysis: It monitors system and user behavior, looking for unusual or malicious activities that might indicate an attack.
  • Incident Response: EDR tools assist in investigating and responding to security incidents by providing detailed logs and data.


Antivirus handles known threats effectively, while EDR offers a more proactive and versatile approach to threat detection and response.


Whether you’re looking to enhance your existing security measures or implement a new system, IT247NW are here to help with our award-winning protection. It’s never too late for cost-effective cybersecurity!

Contact us today to learn more and bolster your defences.